Biological information
As part of the project areas we will develop the scientific basis for the creation of infrastructure solutions and knowledge-based platforms for a comprehensive biodiversity study in Russia on the basis of genomic and storage technologies, analysis and exchange of data different types. On the basis of such infrastructure it will be possible to collect and store information on the biota genomic diversity at various levels from the cell type at the level of phenotype characteristics epigenetic regulation to the population and biocoenosis types. Its creation is a necessary tool for solving complex problems of biodiversity assessment of individual regions, potential biodiversity risks, formalization risks assessment, planning for the recovery and conservation of biodiversity. For successful implementation of the project we will create new technologies and develop new modern methods of generation and large-scale analysis of genomic data, molecular barcoding of biological objects, populations and communities metagenomic profile identification, spatial description, analysis and mapping of the study objects, biological macromolecules properties modeling, algorithmic solutions for large-scale computing tasks at supercomputing platforms and mathematical description of information processes in living systems.
Solution of problems set out in the project area will have the long-term effect in the various fields of science and engineering disciplines in the social sphere. These include issues of national importance in the context of food security, threats of biodiversity loss and climate changes.