As part of the project areas we will implement the detection of plant species polymorphism to produce the standard phenotype and genotype passport and software based on the study of the structural, chorologic and functional diversity of possible representation in the plants gene pool depositories, their populations and communities of different levels, as well as information on them for effective conservation of biodiversity and maintaining the natural communities stability.
The urgency and scale of the planned operations will bedetermined by the global problems associated with the depletion of plant resources, loss of biodiversity and environmental degradation. The study of structural and functional plant systems diversity at different levels (cell-to-biocenotic) will reduce the risk of violating the stability of the living systems in Russian Federation.
Russian Federation plays a key role in the preservation and use of raw Arctic potential. The highest spore plants, as an essential component of plant communities in northern Holarctic are involved in the settlement of naked substrates, preservation of permafrost and bogging. The spores of mosses, ferns, horsetails and club mosses are able to experience long periods of adverse conditions as they contain genetic material in a quiescent form and may be used as a source for population’s renewal. In this regard, preparation of general works devoted to the North floras formation laws and spores preservation in the depositories is highly relevant. The importance of work on the identification and protection of endangered species increases in connection with the planned development of the Arctic shelf and infrastructure projects of the Arctic regions of Russian Federation.