This area of the program is devoted to the study of the biological diversity of animals in various aspects.
We study the taxonomic (mainly species) diversity 9 in types, at least 14 classes and at least 30 orders of multicellular animals. Research is conducted at two levels of diversity - global (family-to-type macrotaxa rank analysis according to the world fauna level) and local (subspecies-to genus taxa rank analysis as a part of the regional fauna and local natural communities). In order to obtain the original data we plan to use the latest techniques of microtomography, confocal laser, transmission and electron microscopy, 3D scanning, bioacoustic signals recording and analyzing. We study fragments of the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes for molecular genetic characteristics based on standard methods of extracting genetic material and molecular sequences sequencing and alignment. In order to identify the structure and interpretation of taxonomic diversity we use modern numerical methods for multi-dimensional biometrics, clustering, cladistic and molecular phylogenetic analysis.
Biodiversity is also studied at the regional and local levels. We consider chorological structure of biodiversity-based remote shooting scanning system MODIS and GIS data analysis with the use of mathematical methods, including mathematical and cartographic modeling. Researches of local faunas and communities are mainly based on field work in the Russian sector of the Arctic and Subarctic, covering terrestrial and marine biota in the Russian Far East, Middle, Central, Western and Southeast Asia and Indo-West Pacific.
Recommendations will be developed on the structure, scope and forms of presentation, storage and use of various categories of data and information about them. Establishment of taxonomic and faunal studies will include a comprehensive collection and preservation of different initial data categories (morphological, macro- and microanatomical, histology, cytology, molecular genetics, bioacoustic, ethological, ecological) and accompanying information (including creation of electronic databases with the open access) with the improvement of methodological basis of their preparation, storage and use for scientific and biomedical purposes.
A separate part of the work will be devoted to rare and poorly known animals, study of which in the long term will lead to the development of new medical technologies (in particular, anti-aging and anti-cancer).